
Simple travelogue at Trinidad, Cuba part 2

-Been to Vinales for 4 days, the mountain looks like Gwai Lin in China, just without water.

-Having my first horse riding experience over there for 4 hours, which is quite long. Learn more about control the horse, it´s easy for turning direction and stop, but difficult for asking acceleration. Will do another horse riding tomorrow in Trinidad.

-There is some hut over the rural area to selling drinks. When we stop, there is a horse running very fast and stop in front of the hut. The guy with cowboy hat (Mexico style) pay money and quickly drink up and ride the horse quickly away!! Wow!! Just like the cowboy movie!!!

-Finally get some good music in the town´s only club. Drink with the Italian-Spanish couple and they talk each other with both languages, so weird. And the guy Mitteo is a bit nationalist, he hates England by bits!!

-Don´t fool by Lonely Planet or any Englishmen about Cuba food is crap. They are good! Except they always overcook lobster for some reason! But at least they know use the paste from lobster head to make the sauce for lobster, and they use chicken oil to cook the rice!Grill fish is extremely well, it´s no skill just the fish is good, and cheap!

-The only thing not sure is the cleanless of water and food, I´ve been stomache for couple of days and getting better now. I think I will stop the moijto(which I drink countless of them since I´ve coming) and only rely on canned drinks.

-There is only two beers sold in Cuba, Crystal and Bocanergo, Crystal is mild and the other is stronger. After days you find its lack of choice and feel bored.

-Taken 9.5 hours bus from Vinales to Trinidad, half'life left. Stay here for 6days just becos the bus schedule to Santa Clara is not suitable for the journey and I think I will miss it. That means I couldnt go to Che Guvera´s museum. Well, I´m not long hair.

-But 5 nights in here is a bit crazy, I try to go somewhere different every day. Today I go to take the steam train to meyer and back. It´s slow, and......smoky law......

-Yesterday is better, go to Tope d Something(forgot the full name) with the tour, go to waterfall and so. Quite beautiful, and the people in the tour are very nice!!half of them are Italians another are German, just me in th middle but they are very talkative.

-And most of them are school teachers,it just a nice job, eh

-BTW, the Italian nationalist in Vinales is a professor in Milan University, teaching Stat, Probability, and Quantitive methodology. So when I talk about gambling, he said ´You can´t win in casino, otherwise how can they make loads of money.´ with confidence.

Wow!What a great discovery!I think I can apply for the job, if I learn Italian......

-Sorry it´s kind of boring becos I´m kind of boring today for some reason. Just feel empty and lack of energy. Just watched ´Push Hand´ this afternoon and maybe watch ´Munich´ tonight.



Simple travelogue in La Habana, Cuba part 1

First thing first, the internet is extremely slow, I´ve spent 15 mins to load the facebook and couldn´t update the status!!Web messenger and ebuddy is not loading as well......

-After 10 hrs flight to Varadero and 2hr taxi to La Habana, I´m fall into pieces. Having dinner in one of the restaurant recommended from lonely planet (the only reason to go to that one just because it´s the nearest to my Casa) It cost me 7 quid for a basic dinner, which I thought it´s not too bad, until the next day I reckon that a chinken leg rice is just cost 60p!!!!For fxxk sake I´d like to buy 20 chicken leg rice and ask her to eat all of them infront of me!!!!

-Some English said that the Cuba food is crap. It´s not!! Deep Fried Chicken Leg rice is cheap and tasty, and quite juicy as well! As least better than Cafe de Carol in HK!

-And the pork meat bun is my favorite!!Pork is roasted and very juicy, and fat, and I love it! The best thing is when I know this place more, I buy it cheaper and cheaper, from 24CUP to 20 to 10 and now I buy it from 5CUP!(equal to 15p!!)

-Well 13hrs I´ve spent is not all about eating! I do go somewhere, e.g. National museum of Revolution. And to be honest, its boring. So I take a picture outside the museum, with Mr Foxy lying on the ground to stop the tank, like what Wang Wei Lin does in 4'June. And the friendly brotherhood of China got some military to questioning me, which is useless, because I couldn´t speak a word of Spanish, then he wave me off.

-Yes, I´m crap in language, everytime I want to explain something I explain in English, then French, and both of them are useless. At last, I´ve found that talking in Chinese is much better. They dun understand either but at least my body language with Chinese is much more expressional.

-So, once time I buy the pork meat bun and someone ask for 30CUP, I said Diu Lei Lo May, sai ng lung sai 30ar! and then I give him 20, he give me back 10.

It works.

-I think the main thing inside Cuban is don´t bother. Seems nth bother them too much. Especially the police, which all over the places from day and night. I´m eating the Chicken leg rice in front of the Parliment of Cuba, because I didnt have any spoon or forks, I drop a lot of rice in the stairs. Guard comes and bi-li-ba-la-ing. And I do a face and body expression of (I dun have a fork to use, what can I do) and then the guard to a expression of dont bother in his face.

-But something really bother and I fell guilty is, my perception of others. I´m too defensive and think people approach u must have some perpose. Although there is really some people talk to u in order to bring u in a bar or sth, most Cuban people just curious and friendly.The worst one is I went to a salsa bar to have a drink, the drink is 2.5 CUC and I thought I pay him 10. When he give me the 2.5 change I start argue with him and finally just jump off. But later I´ve found it was my fault. I do give him 5CUC only!! It´s ashame and I´ve found guilty about this. Should I come back and say sorry now

Ok, stop here, as the time runs out. Will heading to Vinales to hiking and visit some cigar farms, ciao!



Robert Parker的健筆一揮,我最愛的QS立即升了幾個價位.常光顧的店子嫌貴不賣了,就得到網上找.價錢不平,加上運費,又不知該網頁的可信性,不知買不買好.

佢條友,都未見過比人炒魷仲會買架Z4!!上星期落去搵佢吹水,佢車我兜風.咁大個仔都未坐過開蓬,原來係咁鬼爽.係,架車係唔夠Audi S4快,但真係非常過癮,而且有D虛榮感囉!唉,我都想買架,不過諗兩諗,買來又有乜用?


唉,唔通日日0係間咁的公司度磨咩?d老野簡直想將時光倒流到工業革命, craftsmenship咁款,推佢地與時並進太辛苦,亦吃力不討好.最近帶個新仔,屌!係就係幾好傾,但每隔三分鐘問我一個問題,煩都煩死!我當年0岩0岩來時有鬼人教我咩,間野簡直冇management!最搞笑的係,個manager根本冇叫我帶佢,但唔知點解佢當左我係保母,加錢呀!屌你老味加錢呀!!


我想話,My Little Airport寫的野好得意,但好似永遠都係音樂還音樂,歌詞還歌詞咁的?其實我估佢地去香港亂嗡度掃chord可能仲好......

最近翻睇"The office",實在太鐘意佢的尷尬,無奈同dead air位,不過呢種形式的幽默香港應該好難接受,因為不夠喧鬧.香港係咪有套劇的女皇辦公室(上左未?)?汪阿姐,王祖藍,杜汶澤,應該都好笑播!雖則我更想睇黃子華,我認為佢係香港唯有有英國水準的comedian,詹瑞文......越來越上身,太誇啦......反而笑唔出.

From Slinkachu's "Whatever happened to the Men of Tormorrow"

Anti-climatic end to the Superman legend with the hero living as an ordinary man with a normal 9-5 job......find themselves overweight, pale and balding. Far from being superheros, these figures represent failed hopes and dreams; they are old and forgotten, sidetracked by the mundanities of life, seduced by ultimated shallow pursuits or let down by their own dysfunctional personalities. The fantasies of youth, those of invincibility and destiny, have long since faded......

"Dreams of living it all again" -by Slinkachu 2009